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High Performance Wellness Coaching

Master Your Inner Power
Turn Chronic Stress Into Lasting Success

High Performance Wellness Coaching helps you master your inner power to end chronic stress and burnout, prevent chronic illness and create a limitless life full of energy, time, health and wealth. 

Through mastering mindset, energy and stress, you begin to live a Centered, Connected, Conscious™ life in a new pathway to success, a paradigm of wellness in which unprecedented heights of achievement are accomplished with inner ease and flow. Doubt, depletion and distraction dissolve as you move beyond mindset into your inner knowing, your center of power.

Apona Coaching | High Five

As a High Performance Wellness Coach, Lidia supports and guides you in strengthening your instinct and intuition, the knowing beyond confidence, so you become the "captain of your ship" and realize your unique solutions and path to achieving your goals.

Lidia utilizes a powerful Wellness Coaching Tool, her Capacity Principle™ of Conscious Leadership and Success, to help you activate your energetic potential so you begin to master your energy and achieve your goals with focus, ease and no regrets.


The Capacity Principle™ is based on Taoist Non-Attachment, the principle of being able to discern and deflect external stressors easily and effectively, and not become drained, burdened or distracted by the events around you. The circumstances of life become "inconsequential" to you, to who you are and how you feel. You become the "empty vessel" and can manifest effortlessly, knowing when to apply yourself and when to pull back. You release yourself of frustrations and unconscious misconceptions. You begin to master the art of living and truly understand living in your power.

High Performance Wellness Coaching creates an unshakeable foundation of lasting strength and endless vitality, unveiling your unlimited power.

The programs are based on universal principles, applied and suited for modern dynamics.


Contrary to seemingly logical thought, the initial step in creating a limitless life is by “knowing your limit and living within it.” This transformative and critical principle of Lidia’s “Capacity Principle™  of Conscious Leadership and Success” is accomplished in two fundamental ways:

  1. Establishing a foundation of strong core energy

  2. Fostering a knowing and understanding of Self. 


High Performance Wellness Coaching is an all-encompassing, stream-lined system of realizing your limitless power, propelling you to the top of your greatest ambitions. It is the roadmap to your exponential success.

This system is offered in 2 programs:


  1. The High Performer's Secret: 90 Days to Conquer Stress, End Burnout and Create More Energy

  2. Evolving Self-Mastery: Mindset, Power, and Consciousness for Limitless Growth


Spaces for these programs are limited.
Join the Waitlist to Learn More and Apply

The time is now to remove the barriers to your greatest success... to reclaim your sovereignty, move beyond what you thought was possible and claim your place as a great conscious leader of your life and the world. 

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What Lidia's Clients Are Saying:

Doug Marks

"Lidia is so very astute. I consider her to be my master counsellor and coach. I am now light years away from where I was. I am amazed at the depth of Lidia's incredible insight and awareness of my experiences."

- Doug Marks, CEO, A.D. Marks and Associates Inc.

Read more Client Reviews here:

Master Your Inner Power.
Turn Chronic Stress
Into Lasting Success.

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