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Celebrating The Divinity of Horses

Lidia shares her passion for healing with horses in her chapter The Divinity of Horses, in the best-selling book Evolving on Purpose: Co-Creating with the Divine.​


Horses are highly evolved spiritual beings who are here to help humans heal, grow and evolve. It is time to honour the inherent value of horses as healers, teachers and guides.


Lidia reads her chapter The Divinity of Horses at the September 27th event at Apona Healing Ranch to support the #HorseShitCampaign


Lidia and Apona Healing Ranch stand in solidarity with the Canadian Horse Defense Coalition and Jann Arden to help end the live transport of Canadian horses overseas for slaughter.


Uniting Humans & Horses in Love

Join our Facebook group for guidance on how to heal, love and create peace with our divine equine soulmates. Connect, share and learn with others interested in natural approaches to healing for both you and your horse.

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